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"All dogs and cats, before their transfer to new ownership, must be
identified by a process approved by the Minister for agriculture.
The same conditions apply, apart from any transfer of dogs more than
four months old and born after January 6, 1999.
Such identification is the responsibility of the transferor"

Remember :
  1. Any person carrying out identity marking is held:
    • To immediately deliver to the owner of the animal a document of identity;
    • To submit within eight days to the manager of the national file the documentation attesting the identity;

  2. The seller or the giver of the animal is held:
    • To immediately deliver to the new owner the certified identity documention;
    • To submit within eight days to the manager of the national file the document notifying the change of ownership;

  3. In the event of any change of address, the owner must notify the new address to the national file.

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